Thursday, November 23, 2017

Muppet King Arthur (Muppet Graphic Novels) #BookReview

muppet-king-arthur by Christopher Jimenez Bibliographic Info FROM WORLDCAT Title: Muppet King Arthur Author: Paul Benjamin; Dave Alvarez; Patrick Storck; James Silvani Publisher: Los Angeles, CA : Boom Studios, 2010. Edition/Format: Print book : Graphic : Fiction : Juvenile audience Genre/Form:...

Monday, November 20, 2017

1776 #bookreview

Bibliographic Info From WorldCat Title: 1776 Author: David G McCullough; Recorded Books, LLC. Publisher: Prince Frederick, Md. : Recorded Books ; [Prince Frederick, Md.] : [Distributed by] OneClick Digital, 2011, â„—2005. Edition/Format: eAudiobook : English : Unabridged Material Type: Audio book,...

Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday, November 18, 2016

Facebook for News. A Rant

A Little Rant Do you go to Facebook for news? One of the big stories that keeps clogging my email feeds is the controversy that Facebook is now engulfed in regarding fake news that influenced this years election. Never mind the whole "Silicon Valley is Anti-Trump" line that would actually imply that they would have used their influence to push the election in the other direction if that's what they...

Monday, June 13, 2016

Whiteboard Wisdom #1

Here's something I'd like to try. I'll review my whiteboard every Friday and post a pic of the weekly quote on Instagram. Then I'll follow up with a Monday post. I'll use the hashtag #whiteboardwisdom on the pic. Feel free to join the conversation with your own words of whiteboard wisdom! My first #whiteboardwisdom quote. "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience...

Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Month in the Library Life

I haven't been posting much on blogger, but I have on Instagram! Here's a month of work in a few pictures. Enjoy! Good morning @fiuinstagram A photo posted by Christopher Jimenez (@cjmnz8) on May 18, 2016 at 5:06am PDT Not the best shot...but still, see the paw, fear the claw, #amiright A photo posted by Christopher Jimenez (@cjmnz8) on May 19, 2016 at 1:13pm PDT Just playing a little...

Saturday, May 21, 2016

A New Job!!

Moving Along I have an old announcement to make: I have taken a new position with the Florida International University Libraries. I am the new Web Services Librarian with the Information & Research Services Department. I say this is an old announcement because if you know me personally, you already know this info. It has also been updated on all my Social Media profiles, so if you're following...
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